Thursday, February 2, 2017

Tips for Yoga Beginners

Rathana Ung believes that yoga can be beneficial to proper stress management. Becoming increasingly popular worldwide in recent years, yoga involves physical and mental exercises meant to help center and calm the body and spirit. Ranthana Ung practices every day, and while it can feel overwhelming for a beginner to know where to start, there are several tips that can make starting this healthy routine easier to tackle.

When starting out, having a proper space and the proper equipment is crucial to yoga success. Some prefer to practice with others at dedicated classes, which may be offered at local health clubs or community centers. 

Others find it more calming and less stressful to practice at home, sometimes outside. Either way, having the proper mat is important to prevent slipping. If practicing at home, make sure to create a proper space dedicated to the practice.

There are many postures in yoga, and it's often beneficial to keep a notebook of what works and what doesn't. Which exercises make you feel great, and which aren't doing what they should? Start up a collection of yoga books, YouTube videos, or CDs to aid with meditation. 

And of course, the basics should never be forgotten - get plenty of sleep, eat well, and keep a routine. Yoga can help with a hectic and stressful life, quiet the mind, and soothe the many aches and pains of a body in motion.